The first debut of the Russian avant-garde, cut off from Western European art life during the First World War, took place in the autumn of 1922 at the Galerie Van Diemen exhibition in Berlin. The exhibition, where the supremacist and constructivist works of Kazimir Malevich, Vladimir Tatlin and Naum Gabo, among others, were first seen by European audiences, was a huge success and its impact has been felt in Central and Western European art for years. On the centenary of the exhibition, Jacobs University in Bremen and the State Museums in Berlin are organizing an international conference in English on the history of the preparation, presentation and impact of the exhibition.
At the conference, the director of the Kassák Museum, Pál Szeredi Merse, will also give a presentation on the relationship between the First Russian Art Exhibition in Berlin and the Vienna magazine "Ma", as well as Lajos Kassák's trip to Berlin in 1922.
The conference will be held in Berlin on Friday, October 15 and 16, 2021, and the presentations can also be followed online (Zoom) via this link.
Program of the conference