The Marinko Sudac Collection with over 10,000 works of art and documents
ranging from private letters to the documentary videos and films, is the
largest private collection and the most complete collection of the
avant-garde art in the region. The Collection is the result of a defined
collecting strategy conducted by Marinko Sudac since 2004. At the
beginnings collection focus was avant-garde art and related cultural
phenomena of former Yugoslavia created during the 1914 – 1989 period. Today
it includes the related art practices and phenomena that have
simultaneously occurred in the region and throughout the world.
The Collection’s goals and activities from the very beginnings were
supported by the City of Varaždin (Croatia), where the Museum of Avant-garde
hosting the collection’s permanent display will be built.
Mr. Sudac was accompanied to the Kassák Museum by art historians Ješa Denegri (to the right) and Branko Franceschi (the director of the Museum of Avant-garde - to the left). A part of the Marinko Sudac collection will be on display in the Kassák Museum by the end of January, 2012.
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