Online stream link for the whole conference here.
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
Postgraduate Workshop and Conference Day 1.
10.00–14.40 |
Postgraduate Workshop
14.40–15.30 |
Coffee break |
15.30–16.00 |
Welcome addresses
16.00–17.30 |
Plenary presentations of the 2022 ESPRit prize winners
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Conference Day 2.
8.30–9.00 |
Registration |
9.00–10.00 |
Keynote Session 1. |
10.00–10.30 |
Coffee break |
10.30–12.00 |
Parallel Session 1. |
Parallel Session 2. |
Chair: Nora Ramtke |
Chair: Jelena Lalatović |
Artemis Alexiou |
Jelena Milinković and Žarka Svirčev |
Eloïse Forestier |
Stanislava Barać and Zorana Simić |
Šárka Malošíková, Klára Brůhová and Petra Hlaváčková Where are the women? Architectural canon and the periodicals (online) |
Jelena Lalatović From margin to center, and back again: A history of thick journals as a history of Marxist heresy in the Yugoslav context from 1952 to 1964 |
12.00–13.00 |
Lunch |
13.00–14.30 |
Parallel Session 3. |
Parallel Session 4. |
Chair: Andrew Hobbs Venue: Room A Abstracts |
Chair: Merse Pál Szeredi Venue: Room B Abstracts |
Annemarie McAllister |
Eszter Balázs |
Andrew Hobbs |
Agnieszka Rejniak-Majewska |
Maria Ikoniadou |
Magdolna Gucsa |
14.30–15.00 |
Coffee break |
15.00–16.30 |
Parallel Session 5. |
Parallel Session 6. |
Chair: Evanghelia Stead |
Chair: Eszter Őze |
Elisa Grilli When peripheral magazines dream of becoming centres: The Evergreen (Edinburgh) and Poesia (Milan) |
Pierluigi Allotti The Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica and the Americanization of Italian political science (1971–1991) (online) |
Hoda El Shakry |
Halyna Hleba |
Elizabeth Holt |
Ekaterina Vasileva |
16.30–17.00 |
Break |
17.00–18.30 |
Parallel Session 7. |
Parallel Session 8. |
Chair: Marianne Van Remoortel |
Chair: Emese Kürti |
Dario Boemia |
Flóra Barkóczi |
Annalisa Federici “A little article on Queen Elizabeth’s nose for Eve”: Virginia Woolf’s The Waxworks at the Abbey between tradition and modernity (online) |
Camilla Salvaneschi Global art magazines and Kassel's Documenta: Rethinking the documenta 12 magazine project (online) |
Zsuzsa Török |
18.30–20.30 |
Conference reception |
Friday, 9 September 2022
Conference Day 3.
9.00–10.00 |
Keynote Session 2.
10.00–11.30 |
Parallel Session 9. |
Parallel Session 10. |
Chair: Zsuzsa Török |
Chair: Gábor Dobó |
Levente T. Szabó |
Judit Galácz |
Marianne Van Remoortel, Lise Foket and Christophe Verbruggen |
Maria Anna Rogucka |
(Withdrawn) Hubert van den Berg |
Ágnes Anna Sebestyén |
11.30–12.00 |
Coffee break |
12.00–13.30 |
Parallel Session 11. |
Parallel Session 12. |
Chair: Merse Pál Szeredi |
Chair: Carlotta Castellani |
Éva Fisli |
Giuseppe Di Natale |
Fabio Guidali |
Carlotta Castellani |
Stefano Locati |
Caterina Caputo |
13.30–14.30 |
Lunch |
14.30–15.30 |
Guided tour in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) – Artpool Art Research Center |
Annual ESPRit Business Meeting (for members) |
Venue: Artpool Art Research Center (meeting in front of the Conference building) |
Venue: Room B |
15.30–17.00 |
Parallel Session 13. |
Parallel Session 14. |
Chair: Gábor Dobó |
Chair: Dávid Fehér |
Meghan Forbes |
Tibor Kosztolánczy |
Nora Ramtke |
Maria Nikolopoulou |
Zoltán Szénási |
Matrona Paleou |
17.00–17.30 |
Coffee break |
17.30–19.00 |
Parallel Session 15. |
Parallel Session 16. |
Chair: Dario Boemia |
Chair: Eszter Balázs |
Piroska Balogh |
Marie Boivent |
Giorgio Di Domenico |
(Withdrawn) Júlia Fazekas |
Imre Zsolt Lengyel |
Barbara Winckler |
19.00–19.30 |
Closing plenary |
Saturday, 10 September 2022
Post-Conference Day
10.00–12.00 |
Guided tour in the collection of the Petőfi Literary Museum – Kassák Museum |