The Kassák Foundation was established in 1987 with the purpose of supporting the care, the scientific study and the widespread presentation of Lajos Kassák’s archives. Its founder was Mrs. Lajos Kassák née Klára Kárpáti (1914–1986).
Objectives of the Kassák Foundation
- Taking care of the graves and memorial monuments of Lajos Kassák, Mrs. Lajos Kassák, Mrs. István Kassák née Erzsébet Istenes (Lajos Kassák's mother), Jolán Simon (Lajos Kassák's first wife) and Etel Nagy (daughter of Jolán Simon).
- Scientific research of Lajos Kassák's artistic and intellectual legacy, including artworks (literary and visual artworks, books, photos, sound and film) and archival documentation.
- Aiding the acquisition policy of the Kassák Museum through exploration of artworks, documents and memorabilia related to Lajos Kassák's oeuvre.
- Presentation, publication and promotion of Lajos Kassák's oeuvre in Hungary and abroad.
- Promoting the appearance of Lajos Kassák's oeuvre at Hungarian and international exhibitions and festivals, participating in Hungarian and international tenders.
- Organization of exhibitions and other cultural programs.
- Educational activities related to the goals of the Kassák Foundation, organization of literary and artistic classes, preparation of pedagogical materials.
- Publishing books and edited volumes.
- Conference organization.
- Support of the activities of the Kassák Museum.
The Foundation's book series: The Avant-Garde and Its Journals
The Kassák Foundation launched an English-language book series in 2016, focusing on historical avant-garde periodicals. The series examines Hungarian and, more broadly, East-Central European avant-garde journals through a transnational and multidisciplinary approach. The following volumes have been published so far in the series:
Edited volume based on the temporary exhibition Signal to the World. Edited by Gábor Dobó and Merse Pál Szeredi. With essays by Eszter Balázs, Gábor Dobó, Klára Rudas and Merse Pál Szeredi.
Essays of the conference organized by the Kassák Museum on 15–17 September 2015. Edited by Gábor Dobó and Merse Pál Szeredi, assistant editor Sára Bagdi. With essays by Eszter Balázs, Dušan Barok, Irina Denischenko, Gábor Dobó, György C. Kálmán, András Kappanyos, Michalina Kmiecik, Klára Prešnajderová, Sonia de Puineuf, Piotr Rypson, Przemysław Strożek, Jindřich Toman and Michał Wenderski.
Edited volume based on the exhibition series Kassákism. Edited by Eszter Balázs, Edit Sasvári and Merse Pál Szeredi, introduction by Gergely Prőhle. With essays by Eszter Balázs, Gábor Dobó, Judit Galácz, Márton Pacsika, Merse Pál Szeredi, György Tverdota and Hubert van den Berg.
Board of Trustees
- Merse Pál Szeredi, head of department, Petőfi Literary Museum (PIM) – Kassák Museum (KM), director, chairman of the board
- Szilárd Demeter, general director, PIM, member of the board
- Mrs. János Barsánszki, financial director, PIM, member of the board
- Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi PhD, head of department, PIM, Manuscript Collection, member of the board
- Anna Sidó, head of department, PIM, Art, Photo and Relics Collection, member of the board
- Edit Sasvári, curator, PIM – KM, member of the board
- Eszter Balázs PhD, researcher, PIM – KM, member of the board
Postal address
16 Károlyi utca, Budapest, H-1053, Hungary
Merse Pál Szeredi, chairman of the board
EU tax number
Bank account (HUF)
OTP Bank, 11705008-20105389-00000000
HU97 11763055-44517887-00000000
We welcome the financial support of the activities of the Kassák Foundation – and the Kassák Museum – to the bank account of the Kassák Foundation.