Night of Museums 2015


Night of Museums 2015

20 June 2015 20:00 – 21 June 02:00
Night of Museums in the Kassák Museum

Date: Saturday, 20 Jun 2015, 6 pm - midnight
Venue: Kassák Museum, 1033 Budapest, Fő tér 1.


6–8 pm: Voice is action, work is song – Community music event
The Night of the Museums offers a musical exploration of the museum’s permanent exhibition Kassák!. The musical instruments will be visitors’ own voices, together with body sounds, murmurs and words. The audience will create a joint composition through a game with simple and easy rules. No musical training is needed, every sound counts!

Programme leader: Petra Kovács, community music therapist, Sáry Method trainer, art therapist (MOME),andDiaZékány, museum education officer and artist at the Kassák Museum.

8.15–8.40 pm: Standard hardware, avant-garde software: Lajos Kassák’s journals 1915–1927

On a tour through the exhibition based on Lajos Kassák’s avant-garde journals, find out about the tricks of the editing trade that Kassák deployed to install avant-garde software in what was already, by the early twentieth century, the standard hardware of the art journal.

The literary historian Gábor Dobó will give a guided tour of the revamped permanent exhibition Kassák!

8.50–9.15 pm: 100 years of the avant-garde – Lajos Kassák and the revolutions of art

This year marks the centenary of the founding of the first Hungarian avant-garde journal A Tett. In 1915, Lajos Kassák brought a radically new tone to Hungarian literary and artistic life, bringing about changes whose effects are still felt today. The guided tour of the Kassák Museum’s revamped permanent exhibition delves into the revolutionary art of Lajos Kassák and the artistic revolutions of the 20th century.

Art historian Merse Pál Szeredi takes this guided tour of the permanent exhibition Kassák!

9.40–11:00 pm: TiborSzemző & Takarmánybázis: KŐFALTORTA film concert

Tibor Szemző is a contemporary composer, media artist, performer and founding member of the 180 Group. In his work, he explores the multi-layered connections between the spoken voice, instrumental music and images.

Among the pieces to be performed by Takarmánybázis in the Kassák Museum is Szemző’s K.Metszetek (K. Sections). It is an idiosyncratic approach to Franz Kafka, a tour of the Kafkaesque universe through film, spoken language and music. The piece is a symbiosis of sound and vision, and the concert features film footage shot in 7 countries.