Munkás hétköznapok - Múzeumok Éjszakája a Kassák Múzeumban, 2024


22 June 2024 17:00 – 23:59


OPEN MUSEUM, or equal opportunities in the museum
Subjective guided tours for visitors with learning or cognitive disabilities
Our museum has produced a plain language version of the texts of the Kassák! permanent exhibition and the Kassák × Petőfi temporary exhibition. The plain-language version will allow newer visitor groups, including students and adults with learning or cognitive disabilities, to have equal access to the exhibition.In our Open Museum programme, Éva Ilona Sallai, ÉFOÉSZ's self-advocate, will give a guided tour with the active involvement of the public, with the help of Anna Jónás, a special education teacher.
Participation in the programme is free of charge for visitors with cognitive disabilities and their accompanying persons.

Sveta Maximova: “I was already wondering where I am” – Polyphony of Migrated-Self - performance“
I Was Already Wondering Where I Am” is a multimedia performative act exploring the state of a Migrated-Self – a split I-position at the junction of the past and the future. It questions the body of the ‘I’ and tries to identify the limitations of its plasticity and scalability.Referring to Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of the Polyphonic-Self, a performative act metaphorizes visually and audibly the multivoicedness and cultural syncretism that the one experiences during migration. Lost in languages and split in cultures, the migrated one faces the irreversible fragmentation of the Self.
The performative act consists of two dimensions – plastic movement and voice. Predetermined actions of the performer resemble repetitive movements in ritual practices: the same set of movement trajectories forms a space where the action will lose its physical qualities, shifting the spectator’s attention to the state of the whole space. A live conversation – one-self dialogue – loops in polyphony, defining the narrative of the performative act and creating the “Polyphonic-Self”.

Performance: Sveta Maximova - AY
Sound design by Sergey Losev
Jewish harp improvisation by Sati Isaeva

Home is Where Work is
Guided tour of the temporary exhibition with Anna Fabricius and Judit Csatlós
Anna Fabricius, photographer and media artist, winner of the 2023 Kassák Prize for Contemporary Art, has been researching the changing cultural and individual-forming role of work for years. In this exhibition, she explores the increasingly common transnational family relationships that are the result of the global division of labour. Over the past year, she has worked with workers from the Far East employed in agriculture or manufacturing. The works they have created together are not documentary depictions, but rather situations created for the sake of video and photography, showing the personal experience of inclusion, acceptance, lack, family love and responsibility. The organising force of the exhibition is 'invisibility': guest workers are invisible to the majority of society and also their contribution to our common well-being, as well as the hidden forms of caring for each other and their loved ones.  On the occasion of the Night of the Museums, the artist and the curator will talk together about the creation of the works and the life of foreign workers living in our country.

Kassák! - Meet the museum
Guided tour of the permanent exhibition with art historian Edit Sasvári
In the permanent exhibition, the public can learn about the life of Lajos Kassák through his influential journals, while the museum's temporary exhibitions present the art of the avant-garde and modernism in a historical, cultural and social context. The exhibition provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted work of the great Hungarian avant-garde figure, his editorial, artistic and literary activities, and his public roles. Contemporary documents, publications and works of art trace the highlights of Kassák's work and personal aspects of his career.

Musical-literary performance   
Featuring Zsolt Prieger and Bori Magyar     
Zsolt Prieger (writer, performer, musician, producer), the leader of the Anima Sound System ensemble, has put together an extraordinary music-literary evening about Lajos Kassák, which can be heard for the first time at Kassák Museum this year's Night of Museums. Excerpts from Kassák's poetry and prose bring to life a very distinctive personality and creator, whose lines have not lost their relevance and speak to everyone. The text montage by Zsolt Priger and Bori Magyar is rounded off by a mix soundtrack reminiscent of early electronica, featuring Kraftwerk and Cabaret Voltaire.

Participation in the programmes and visiting the exhibitions is possible with Museum Night wristband.
The wristbands exchanged at the Kassák Museum or in advance come with a spritzer!

Adult ticket: 3000 HUF
Children's ticket (6-18 years): 1500 Ft
Free for children under 6 years of age.

The Kassák Museum can be reached on foot in 1 minute from the Szentlélek tér bus station and the tram stop on the Árpád Bridge, and in 4-5 minutes from Flórián tér. The exhibition hall of the Kassák Museum is located on the first floor of the Zichy Castle on Óbuda's Main Square.

We reserve the right to change the programme.