The main collection of the Kassák Museum also holds a small but carefully curated contemporary art collection, which consists mostly of related works by artists who were inspired by Kassák in creative or theoretical terms. This collection was augmented by Kassák’s wife Klára Kárpáti in 1968, and later in 1866 by a public call from Slovakian artist Juraj Meliš. Since then, further works have been constantly added by modernist artists, among them Imre Ámos, Imre Bak, Béla Czóbel, Tibor Gáyor, István Haász, Károly Halász, Juraj Meliš, István Nádler, Dóra Maurer, Joseph Kádár, R. József Juhász, György Kepes, Victor Vasarely, Tamás Kaszás and Klára Rudas.